Cocktail did Shaoxing and soybean milk.This is not good.I have separated. これは失敗! 味は嫌いじゃないんだけど、でも分離しちゃあマズいでしょう(^^;) ちょいとヨーグルト風味(笑) はじめて紹興酒を買ってみましたヾ(゜∀゜ゞ) !! 飲んでみたのだけど ・・・ けっこうクセ、あるんですね、紹興酒。 一般的には、ザラメや砂糖を入れて、甘くして呑むそうですが・・・ そんな当たり前の呑み方をしても、ツマラナイ。 かといって、飲みにくいからといって、敬遠するのもツマラナイ。 てことで、やってみます!  【DIY道楽テツの晩酌】紹興酒 編!! +----------------+ DIY道楽/テツの晩酌 ↓↓ +----------------+ 2012年 冬 +---------------------------+ 動画のジャンル別のリストを作ってみました↓↓ (The list of the movie is this one ↑↑) よろしかったら、是非チャンネル登録お願いします\(≧∀≦)/ 末永く宜しくお願いいたします♪ メインのホームページ 『DIY道楽』 はコチラ♪↓↓ ブログも見てやってくださいw 『ママチャリ父ちゃん』 誰もが、人生を楽しめるかどうかは、自分次第!! qwt11050 こと、DIY道楽/テツは ・・・ いろんな想いを、動画に込めてます。 その何かを感じ取ってもらえれば ・・・ ちょっとしたスキマ時間に、パソコンなりスマホで覗いていただければ ・・・ 嬉しいですヾ(゜∀゜ゞ) 最後まで読んでいただきありがとうございました!! 感謝!


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video source : Video Link : Join Dr Devinder Sharma on Twitter : Check Dr Devinder Sharma's Blog : Facebook Page : Subscribe to Dr Devinder Sharma YouTube Channel: News Category: Dr Devinder Sharma hunger agriculture bt brinjal GM crops microfinance food crisis research farmer suicides land grab Politics GM foods Monsanto drought seed water Bt cotton IPRs pesticides Poverty Climate change budget cows Jatropha Monsoon corporate goverenance land grab germplasm rice patent sharad pawar sugar biofuels prices maoism media milk organic trade tribals wheat import zero-tillage paid science Drought cotton credit rating glaciers


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◆9/14 - 23 に開催される YouTube エンタメウィークに参加します\(≧∀≦)/ 高須光聖企画番組「エンタメウィーク フィナーレ!」 チャレンジテーマ#022 『勝手に混ぜてみた』の動画を観る(再生リスト) +----------------+ YouTubeエンタメウィークに参加してます\(≧∀≦)/ DIY道楽 テツ こと、乃万 哲一です♪ +----------------+ DIY道楽/テツの晩酌 ↓↓ +----------------+ ~∞~∞~∞~∞~∞~∞~∞~∞~∞~∞~∞~∞~∞~∞~∞~∞~∞~   ■よかったらチャンネル登録おねがいします♪\(≧∀≦)/    メイン  ⇒    ノマ家のありふれてない日常 ⇒ ~∞~∞~∞~∞~∞~∞~∞~∞~∞~∞~∞~∞~∞~∞~∞~∞~∞~   ■facebook   ■Twitter!/diy_douraku   ■ブログ『ママチャリ父ちゃん』 2013年 秋 ======================================  ご視聴、ありがとうございます♪ 乃万 哲一(のま のりかず)です。  家族4人、出かけたり 遊んだり 作ったり 挑戦したり。  面白いと思ったもの、楽しいと思ったものをアップロードしていきます。  前向き ハッピー ポジティブ 大好きw  "理想の家族" "理想の夫婦" "理想の家庭" を目指してっ!!  『日本一幸せな男』と自称して、人生を楽しみ倒します!!  ★よろしかったら、是非チャンネル登録お願いします\(≧∀≦)/  末永く宜しくお願いいたします♪  また、メインのチャンネルにアップロードしきれない小ネタや、日常の風景などを、その場でアップしていく   【DIY道楽 Side-B】のまファミリーの"ありふれてない"日常生活♪』  ↑ こちらも宜しくお願いいたします♪♪ +----------------+ ■メインのホームページ 『DIY道楽』 はコチラ♪↓↓ +----------------+ ■ブログはこちら 『ママチャリ父ちゃん』 +----------------+ 最後まで読んでくれてありがとう。 ご視聴、感謝です♪ ヾ(゜∀゜ゞ)


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This guide shows you how to use your diet to alleviate depression Watch This and Other Related films here: Subscribe! Check Out Our Channel Page: Like Us On Facebook! Follow Us On Twitter!


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Gluten-free Mac 'N Cheese is comfort food. This microwave recipe from Yummee Yummee combines fresh cooked noodles topped with a homemade cheese sauce. Use this method for pasta dinners and add Marinara or Alfredo Sauce for a simple meal. Be creative with your Mac 'N Cheese. You need dessert, too. Try our microwave Browniees or Brown Sugar Cranberry bars.


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Diet plays a huge role in helping you lower your cholesterol and reducing your risk for heart disease. Registered dietitian Elizabeth Somer gives tips on how to help lower you cholesterol naturally.


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Things that I do with our rice and wheat


0 repins 0 comments Nutrition expert Kathleen Zelman discusses steps you can take to lower your triglycerides. To ask one of our experts a question, visit


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explain the history and benefits of embryo rice and how you can get embryo rice. White rice is highly processed with substantial amount of artificial whitening agent, fragrance, and flavourings. The substances added during the process not only cause the nutrients in the grain to lose, continuously intake of white rice has been scientifically proven toxic and classified as main cause of cancers , and chronic disease, such as diabetes. Due to the medically tested facts of white rice, people start to aware and resort to brown rice, where in brown rice the valuable nutrients are protected from the husk. However, despite its high and unexposed nutrients, brown rice is not favoured by most people. Why? The reason simply because it is difficult to cook (have to soak in water for at least 2 hours before cook), difficult to eat (due to the rough surface), difficult to digest (due to the hard husk). So, many people still give up trying brown rice. We want live as healthy as the Japanese and we want real nutrients in our rice, not just to fill the stomach. Is there a solution? Yes, you can use embryo rice!! What is embryo rice? How can I get embryo rice? I cant buy embryo rice in the supermarket. EUJIME HEALTH CLUB is the solution! Eujime Embryo Rice Machine can process the brown rice into embryo rice. Eujime Embryo Rice Machine will lightly, shred away the husk leaving the germ grain completed with nutrients. Additional value is you can even set how many percent you would like to shred away, plus the fiber-riched fine husk can be added into our food and drinks. Husk fiber helps in the colon cleansing and detoxification, weight loss, constipation and digestion. Without adding sugar, whitening agents, fragrance and other substances, the embryo rice is safe and tasty to eat by all ages, even people with diabetes. the fiber helps in the colon cleansing which helps in detoxification of waste, weight loss, constipation and digestion. Eating Embryo Rice, you will look slimmer, healthier, smarter and prettier like 10 years ago! Anyone interested in this business opportunity is encouraged to contact us.,,, fanspage Eujime Health Club, email contact me


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1.New threshing mechanism,bigger area of threshing and separation, thorough threshing effect. 2.Keep the rice stalk whole. Can be used as feed. 3.New cleaning mechanism, double blowers and sieves, gain more cleaner grain 4.To prevent from falling with wider track. 5.Capacious grain tank(can up to 1.3m3), optional discharge auger(like as CLASS brand). 6.Improved Reel:Spring tine/tooth, hydraulic control, and good for lodging crop. 7.Optional hydraulic steering, CAB,breaker of ridge.


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Yummee Yummee gluten free microwave Banana Nut Bars are a quick treat and a healthy breakfast. You really do make these in the microwave. Grab a bar, your coffee, and you're ready for the day. Banana Nut Bars are gluten-free early morning comfort food or late night snack in a bite sized package. Made from fresh bananas and your favorite nuts. Need a little sweetness in your life? Watch our video for Brown Sugar Cranberry Bars. Yummee Yummee stuff!


0 repins 0 comments This is the summary of Homegrown Whole Grains: Grow, Harvest, and Cook Wheat, Barley, Oats, Rice, Corn and More by Sara Pitzer.


0 repins 0 comments Eden Traditional Noodles Sobaya • Soba Shop Seven varieties of Eden organic soba and udon are made of the finest organic North American family farm grain: • buckwheat • hard red spring wheat • whole grain durum wheat • Lundberg short grain brown rice • Khorasan wheat (kamut) • and spelt. They provide complex carbohydrate and protein, and are crafted at the Sobaya Company of Montréal, Québec using the same roll-and-cut process as these traditional noodles do in Japan. The Sobaya Company imported Japanese equipment for North America's only certified organic, traditional soba and udon making plant. They make the finest soba and udon available in the Western hemisphere. Rice, Mung Bean, and Kuzu Root Noodles Eden kuzu noodles, rice pasta (bifun), and mung bean pasta (harusame) are uniquely crafted noodles. Kuzu noodles are straight, thick, translucent noodles made of 100% hand harvested wild kuzu root starch, nothing else. The rice pasta and mung bean pasta are clear, thin, quick-cooking noodles that commonly appear in soups, salads, and stir-fries. These three noodles are each wheat, gluten, and salt free. Eden noodles in dashi noodle broth (recipe at of EDEN shoyu, kombu, mirin, and bonito flakes, are a joy when simply sprinkled with EDEN gomasio or nori. You can add Eden shiitake and maitake mushrooms, dried tofu, vegetables, fish, etc., to make completely satisfying sustaining meals.


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Got the sniffles? Feeling a bit down? You need Yummee Yummee microwave savory Chicken Vegetable Soup. It is quick, easy, and healthy. The ultimate comfort food made fresh from your microwave. In less than 30 minutes, and all you do is stir. It taste like Mom's or Grandma's.


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◆9/14 - 23 に開催される YouTube エンタメウィークに参加します\(≧∀≦)/ 高須光聖企画番組「エンタメウィーク フィナーレ!」 チャレンジテーマ#022 『勝手に混ぜてみた』の動画を観る(再生リスト) +----------------+ YouTubeエンタメウィークに参加してます\(≧∀≦)/ DIY道楽 テツ こと、乃万 哲一です♪ +----------------+ DIY道楽/テツの晩酌 ↓↓ +----------------+ ~∞~∞~∞~∞~∞~∞~∞~∞~∞~∞~∞~∞~∞~∞~∞~∞~∞~   ■よかったらチャンネル登録おねがいします♪\(≧∀≦)/    メイン  ⇒    ノマ家のありふれてない日常 ⇒ ~∞~∞~∞~∞~∞~∞~∞~∞~∞~∞~∞~∞~∞~∞~∞~∞~∞~   ■facebook   ■Twitter!/diy_douraku   ■ブログ『ママチャリ父ちゃん』 2013年 秋 ======================================  ご視聴、ありがとうございます♪ 乃万 哲一(のま のりかず)です。  家族4人、出かけたり 遊んだり 作ったり 挑戦したり。  面白いと思ったもの、楽しいと思ったものをアップロードしていきます。  前向き ハッピー ポジティブ 大好きw  "理想の家族" "理想の夫婦" "理想の家庭" を目指してっ!!  『日本一幸せな男』と自称して、人生を楽しみ倒します!!  ★よろしかったら、是非チャンネル登録お願いします\(≧∀≦)/  末永く宜しくお願いいたします♪  また、メインのチャンネルにアップロードしきれない小ネタや、日常の風景などを、その場でアップしていく   【DIY道楽 Side-B】のまファミリーの"ありふれてない"日常生活♪』  ↑ こちらも宜しくお願いいたします♪♪ +----------------+ ■メインのホームページ 『DIY道楽』 はコチラ♪↓↓ +----------------+ ■ブログはこちら 『ママチャリ父ちゃん』 +----------------+ 最後まで読んでくれてありがとう。 ご視聴、感謝です♪ ヾ(゜∀゜ゞ)


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What Are the Benefits of Rice vs. Wheat? Rice and wheat share many of the same benefits. Let your personal preference or what you're in the mood to eat lead your decision about wheat versus rice. As long as you choose whole grains, rice and wheat have similar profiles with just a few differences. Wheat has much more of one important vitamin and a bit more of certain minerals, while rice might be better choice for those with celiac disease Basics Choose whole grains over processed varieties, such as white rice and white flour. They all have about the same amount of carbohydrates; otherwise, processed rice and wheat have half -- and sometimes even less than half -- of the nutrients found in whole-grain rice and wheat. Processed grains that have been enriched gain back some of the vitamins and minerals but none of the fiber. Minerals Brown rice and whole-grain wheat have about the same amount of minerals. Wheat bran bread has slightly more calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc, but you can count on getting 3 to 9 percent of the recommended daily intake of all four nutrients from just one slice of either rice or wheat bran bread. Both of give men 12 percent of their recommended daily intake of iron, while women get 5 percent. Fiber Whole-grain wheat has two to three times more fiber than brown rice. One cup of whole-grain wheat flour has double the fiber found in brown-rice flour, while one slice of wheat bran bread has 3.5 grams of fiber compared to 1 gram in one slice of rice bran bread, according to the USDA Nutrient Data Laboratory. Both grains provide soluble and insoluble fiber, but they have a significantly higher percentage of insoluble fiber. Insoluble fiber helps food move through the digestive tract, prevents constipation, lowers the risk of developing diverticular disease and relieves symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. Vitamins When it comes to vitamin content, brown rice and whole-grain wheat have similar nutritional values, except for folate. Both grains are a good source of energy-providing thiamine, niacin and riboflavin. They both have a small amount of vitamin E. But whole-grain wheat is a better source of folate. One slice of wheat bran bread provides 14 percent of the recommended daily intake of folate. That's almost double the amount in one slice of rice bran bread. Folate removes homocysteine from the blood, which may lower the risk of cardiovascular disease. Folate is also essential for the creation and growth of new cells, making it especially important during fast periods of growth in pregnancy and childhood. Phytonutrients Both grains provide phytonutrients called lignans, but whole-grain wheat has three times more, according to Dietary Fiber Food. Lignans are converted into substances that are similar to estrogen. These phytoestrogens are weaker than the body’s natural estrogen, but they bind to the same receptors. If your estrogen levels are low, lignans can increase total levels. If estrogen levels are normal, the weaker phytoestrogens may lower total levels when they bind to the receptors and displace natural estrogen. Diets that include lignan-rich foods are associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease and may protect against menopausal symptoms. Wheat bran lignans may slow the spread of cancerous tumors, according to Kansas State University. Gluten Wheat contains gluten but rice doesn’t, which means that there’s no contest between the two if you’re following a gluten-free diet. Gluten is a protein in wheat that causes inflammation of the small intestine in people who have celiac disease or an allergy to wheat. Rice flour is a commonly used substitute for wheat flour in gluten-free products.


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