So what is this chim­ney cake any­way? Ima­gine if you will, a metre-long strip of some of the finest hand-kneaded yeast dough, which is brushed with oil and sugar. Fol­low­ing the tra­di­tional Transylvanian re­cipe, it is then wrapped around a cyl­indrical roll in the shape of a chim­ney—hence the name—and then baked over an open char­coal fire. Dur­ing this spec­tac­u­lar pro­cess, the pastry is generously sprinkled with sugar, which then gets car­a­mel­ized by the heat, to make the ex­per­i­ence even more mouth-wa­ter­ing. After the cake be­comes just so crispy out­side that the in­side is still soft and doughy, we bathe it in one of the de­li­cious fla­vours of your choice: cin­na­mon, vanilla, chocol­ate, coconut or al­mond. Then we serve it im­me­di­ately, be­cause as you might've guessed, it's best served hot!


Amanda Smith

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