
Liquid Lawn with Iron and Calcium is the fastest way to get complete high-nitrogen nutrition to your lawn. Designed for easy hose-end application. Nearly all lawn fertilizers are generic formulas made from ammonia-based nitrogen components or urea. Liquid Lawn takes lawn food to a level not seen before. Every application delivers hydroponic-grade nutrients to your lawn plus mycorrhizae humic and fulvic acids bacteria enzymes and minerals. Liquid Lawn is powerful and beneficial. Liquid Lawn 10-1-2 from Urban Farm Fertilizers is a professional custom-blended fertilizer for all lawns. It is the only instant lawn fertilizer with both Calcium and Iron. All nutrition including calcium is instantly available for quick lush growth. Perfect for quick and easy hose-end or tank spraying.1 gallon dilutes into 256 gallons of full-strength lawn fertilizer that will provide a heavy foliar spray to 12000 sq ft. Liquid Lawn also contains mycorrhizae humic acid kelp bat guano worm casts and enzymes for root zone bio-activation. Features: Hand-crafted Micro-brewed liquid lawn fertilizer for all lawns. With mycorrhizae humic acid enzymes and more! Super-concentrated: 256:1. One gallon makes 256 gals of full-strength fertilizer. 100% nutrition: Macros & Micros Calcium and Iron full N-P-K! Perfect for easy tank and hose-end spraying! Instant Green! 100% water soluble. Covers 12000 sq ft. as a heavy foliar feed. Dimension - 7 x 5 x 10 in. Item Weight - 11.5 lbs.


Aney Rodio

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