No Dig Potatoes -- Great video showing you how to grow your potatoes on top of your lawn using the no-dig method!


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Gerry McClintock talks about berries, water buffalo, farming, and the Comox Valley Farmers Market


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Zelda O'Connor talks about Twigs Bakery and Florist at the Comox Valley Farmers' Market


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Vickey Brown gives the May 2014 update on the Comox Valley Farmers' Market


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pasture raised livestock farm


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eccoci qua ragazzi con un nuovo test mods fatto in modo un po particolare... oggi sono qui per presentarvi un elicottero che vi permette di spostarvi in mappe molto grandi senza tanti problemi o difficoltà, è anche bello da vedere e da usare il sound è molto buono e anche i comandi son semplici e intuitivi... spero che il video vi sia piaciuto, commentate iscrivetevi e se volete anche voi svolazzare tra i celi di farming ecco il link originale.. link:


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When humans first discovered that a delicate, tasty, and useful oil could be obtained from olives, a tradition began that carries through to what you find on your store shelves today. Visit to watch the entire episode 302.


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See another sneak peak of Roger L. Simon's "On the Farm" interview with Victor Davis Hanson. They discuss the prospects of an EU collapse. While there will be consequences, Hanson thinks it could be good for US agriculture, especially California farmers. The European Union financial crisis is also dispelling the myth that life in a European welfare state is better than in America.


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La pop-rock star Red Canzian presta volto e voce per presentare questo video documentario da non perdere. Guardalo ora e scopri perché tutti sarebbero vegetariani se i macelli avessero le pareti di vetro. 'Glass Walls' in English: 'Glass Walls' in Spanish: 'Glass Walls' in Japanese: Subscribe: The website the meat industry doesn't want you to see: How to go vegan: PETA Saves: PETA: FAQs:


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In today's pictures, an Eritrean-American wins the Boston Marathon, a young girl takes part in the annual Easter Egg Roll at the White House, a survivor of the Rana Plaza building collapse stands in front of her house, and much more. Photo: Reuters Subscribe to the WSJ channel here: Visit the WSJ channel for more video: More from the Wall Street Journal: Visit Follow WSJ on Facebook: Follow WSJ on Google+: Follow WSJ on Twitter: Follow WSJ on Instagram: Follow WSJ on Pinterest: Follow WSJ on Tumblr:


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For more Stories, Food News, & Fresh Food videos, visit us at Agriculture has by its very nature a system of built-in limitations. But, we have figured out how to bypass many of those limits, and as a result, we pay a terrible cost. In this segment, Carlo Petrini, founder of Slow Food International, outlines the serious problems we face from food production throughout the world. Check out our new series: Food Farmer Earth - a journey of wide discovery about our food Cooking Up a Story - Bringing the people behind our food to life Subscribe to receive the latest videos: Follow us: Google+ twitter Facebook Pinterest Website RSS Feed


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Hey ya'll, I made this italian deer meat, and it is so good, I though I would upload it....I also uploaded it to my other channel, so you should go and check it out, there are alot more cooking, canning, and all kind of other videos there...Thanks for watching and God Bless


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Rare moissonneuse batteuse Laverda MX300 dotée d'un batteur frontal. Récolte de l'épeautre biologique Infos:


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AGCO and TOPCON are partnering to develop precision farming solutions to enable growers to reduce input costs, increase yields, and work faster and more efficiently. In the future, autonomous machinery will allow professional farmers to reduce labor costs, increase the speed of their seasonal operations and manage their assets more effectively.


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Giordano has chosen a simple way of life. Inspired by traditional ways of farming, he grows food without using chemicals or machinery. He is largely self-sufficient, and has found a balance with nature and with himself. [Giordano Cellai, Self-Sufficient Farmer]: "My first goal was to be self-sufficient because I felt I needed to support myself in order to be able to be free - as a person, as a human being. Doing this kind of job made me more aware of what food is, how a plant sacrifices life in order to support us. Basic things are food and shelter. That's what we all need really. I become more basic in my choices and I started to live a simpler life." Giordano started his small farm in Tuscany, central Italy, in 2005. It was a huge lifestyle change, but in actuality everything went smoothly. [Giordano Cellai, Self-Sufficient Farmer]: "Many difficulties I can recall going back to the way I was living before. When I made this choice everything went like better. Less things, less baggage to carry around, less problems. I just respect what surrounds me and I feel I have something back from this respect." Of course, there are still things that need money. Giordano also works on a nearby farm from time to time, but his story is largely a successful one. In the hustle and bustle of a modern material society, he has found peace and personal freedom. NTD News, Reggello, Italy For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ Add us on Facebook ☛


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Along Italy's Amalfi Coast, one family struggles to carry on its heritage of lemon cultivation. Read the story here: Please visit order to embed this video Subscribe on YouTube: NYT on Google Plus: Watch more videos at: Follow on Twitter:


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Badger Culling Debate between Adam Quinney NFU, Dr Lewis Thomas, Dominic Dyer Badger Trust / Care for the Wild and Simon King at Bristol University 15th May - filmed by Diane Bartlett, edited by Harriet Bartlett.


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In Australia Dr Dario takes on a herd of pregnant cows and takes his student through the steps of dealing with the rather smelly procedure, while in the UK animal helper Roger Palmer introduces his unusual group of pets -- 5 great wolves, a species that has been extinct from the British countryside for 200 years. Ever wanted to take a pet on holiday , this week's How To has a plan and in animal world, Borneo's orang-utans face a brighter future because of a rehabilitation centre in the middle of the jungle.


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Il video inizia con una lunga inquadratura su una chioccia, allarmata per la presenza di un intruso, che a poco a poco si tranquillizza e riprende ad accudire - sempre vigile - 13 pulcini al loro terzo giorno di vita. Segue una testimonianza di C. P.,1937, abitante dalla nascita a Sant'Angelo sul Sile. Lingua parlata: dialetto veneto di Treviso. Trascrizione in lingua italiana. «01:20 Crescente di luna ... in un giorno nascono tutti. Ci hanno messo un giorno a nascere. - E adesso quanto tempo li tiene a covare? Per covarli ci sono voluti 21 giorni, poi piano piano in un giorno sono nati. - Quanto ci vorrà perché diventino autonomi, questi pulcini? 40 giorni. Lei per 40 giorni li accompagna, dopo li abbandona e va per conto suo, ma per 40 giorni è insieme. [...] - Quante erano le uova che hai messo a covare? Quindici. Due sono state mangiate dai topi ... 13 sono nati. - Razza? Nostrana, perché il gallo era nato l'anno scorso da T., sempre da una chioccia. - Cosa intendi per razza nostrana? Razza nostrana? Nati in casa! Dalle nostre galline - Voglio dire, hanno un nome particolare? Nostrano è quello che allevi a casa, sennò sono di allevamento, pulcini fatti nascere con le macchine, con questo, con quello. - Promettono bene, cosa ti sembra? Sì, mangiano, iniziano già a "becoƚar" [piluccare]. Sua mamma tira fuori le briciole, le mette per terra, poi li chiama e loro beccano. Hanno piluccato subito subito, il primo giorno: il primo giorno sono nati, il secondo giorno hanno subito iniziato a mangiare. - Trattamenti, cosa gli fai? Niente, perché non c'è più "la goccia". Una volta gli davamo "la goccia", quando ancora c'era mia mamma, per farli vivere meglio. Adesso ["la goccia"] non c'è ... c'è solo per gli allevamenti, bisogna che tu ne prenda tanta, e non vale la pena per 13 pulcini. - Dove hai imparato quest'arte? Ancora da mia nonna, povera vecchia. E quando andavamo a prendere le galline sotto la siepe? No, a prendere i pollastri sotto la siepe perché le "ciòche" [chiocce] andavano a farli nascere da soli, sulle siepi, di qua e di là. 03:45 Domanda a G.! All'una di notte andavamo a prenderli sugli alberi, sulla siepe. Non te lo ricordi? Come, a prenderli? C'era la chioccia, le chiocce non una, che si facevano il loro nido, si allevano le loro uova; venivano fuori [nascevano] e gli si dava da mangiare, così, tutto libero. In fondo, sul prato, c'era quella siepe grande e loro [i polli] andavano a dormire dove erano nati, e andavamo a prenderli sugli alberi. Ma si parla ormai di 65 anni fa [...] - Sotto gli alberi, non sopra! No, sui rami. C'era la siepe bassa, boscaglia bassa, non acacie. Sul prato c'era "la boschéta", e là andavano su. E noi andavamo di notte "chièti" [piano piano], con la scala, li prendevamo per le gambe e li tiravamo giù; dovevamo prendere la scala, però. Oltre ad essere nostrani, erano anche selvatici, quelli [...] Loro venivano [anche] a mangiare di qua, però dove erano nati andavano a dormire. Questa è una verità, proprio robe viste da me, fatte da me. - E in più avevate [le covate] di casa. Sì, ce n'erano 7-8 nella caneva, sotto [...] Poi le "dindie" e i "piòti" [tacchine e tacchini] con tante uova; in più le oche. - In tutto, nella nostra famiglia quante persone c'erano? Eravamo 12-13 persone, quando io ero piccola. - Quante covate? Sempre 6-7, da maggio quando iniziavano le prime covate, fino a settembre [...] che dopo mangiavi e vendevi [...] 05:57 - Dove andavi a venderle? Al mercato, con la sporta, in bicicletta. Al mercato del pollame che adesso non c'è più. Sai dov'era? Qua c'era il mercato della verdura. Prima [di porta] San Tomaso, non c'era il mercato del pollame? - Sulle mura di Treviso. Lungo le mura. Prima c'era quelle della verdura e più avanti quello del pollame - C'era commercio? Sì, sì. Portavamo galline, pollastri, uova, anatre, conigli; quello che avevamo. Un a volta era così: vivevamo con la nostra roba di casa. Perché tu con un coniglio compravi, mettiamo, un chilo di carne, perché allora non ammazzavi le vacche, come adesso che ammazzano una vacca e dura 6 mesi. - Interviene il marito G.M. (Canizzano, 1934) 06:42 Non ti dice mica che andava da Ferruccio, a bottega, con le uova. Andavamo a scuola per i campi. In mano, da una parte la cartella e da una parte la borsa con 10-15-20 uova con cui prendevamo lo zucchero. Marito -- Portava a casa il formaggio, il baccalà o quel che serviva [...] - Prima di scuola portavi le uova... Andavo a scuola con la borsa e tutto. Lasciavo [la borsa] davanti alla bottega di Ferruccio, che era sempre aperta a quell'ora là, e dopo, quando tornavo indietro facevo la spesa, portavo a casa quello che mi serviva e verso l'una e un quarto eravamo a casa. Così era la vita: a piedi, per i campi, tranquilli.» * Video ripreso il 5 maggio 2012 con fotocamera Nikon Coolpix S3100


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GREAT SUCCESS FOR MASCHIO GASPARDO AT AGRITECHNICA 2013 Agritechnica, the world leading international exhibition for agricultural machinery and equipment, has been a huge success for Maschio Gaspardo. Its 2,500 m² stand at Hannover fairground attracted more visitors than ever before, taking the opportunity to seek information on the latest innovations within the Group range of agricultural equipment for tillage, seeding and crop care. The 15 new products presented at the Maschio Gaspardo stand attracted hundreds of visitors every hour, thanks to their innovative concepts and the renowned quality and reliability of the Italian brand: at the 12th pavilion, where the Maschio Gaspardo stand was located, the visitors got the opportunity to see first-hand the latest models of the Group product range as the precision planters Mirka, Romina and Maga; the new electronic transmission system Tronic; the renew folding rotary tiller Pantera; the plough range with a focus on the innovative folding frame; the sprayer range, including mist blowers and mounted, trailed and self-propelled sprayers and the flagships of the range Balena and Dracula.


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This film shows the development of sustainable fish farming in Tuscany. It was made specifically for AQUA2006 - the joint conference of the European Aquaculture Society and the World Aquaculture Society. The film is in 2 parts.


0 repins 0 comments In this video from Veria Living we see What is Organic as host Nathan Leroy visits an ancient, water-powered flour mill, located deep in the Umbrian mountains and put to use for hundreds of years.


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With CAPTIONS in ITALIAN. Israel's pavilion at Expo 2015 in Milan will be called FIELDS OF TOMORROW and will present Israel as an innovator in agriculture and water management. WATCH MORE APARTHEID ADVENTURES: JOIN ON FACEBOOK: APARTHEID? IN ISRAEL? KEEPING APARTHEID IN BUSINESS


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In my SpaceLab Entry, named the Klaus Capsule after Klaus from American Dad: I am proposing an experiment involving fish in space. It would be capsule in which a fish could use to swim around a space station. Please give me feedback whether it is good or bad and feel free to ask any questions.. Please in full screen or in large version if the text is not visible. The aim of this space lab entry is to finally allow humans and fish to live alongside each other in the same environment. This could be the end of having them confined in a small tank in the corner of one's room. It would be achieved by creating a plastic capsule in which the fish could use to swim around the space station. Obviously the capsules should be cleaned and the 'oxygenated' water would have to be replaced which is why the design includes a hatch. This would also be to allow them to enter and leave the capsule. During landing and take off, all of the fish would be kept inside a plastic bag aquarium- but when finally in orbit, the experiment would be conducted by leaving one group in the aquarium and allowing another into the capsules. I expect this would be good for the mental and physical health of the fish. *THE EXPERIMENT DOES NOT HAVE TO USE A PLASTIC BAG AQUARIUM. This is simply a rough guideline while the most suited habitat is selected. At the moment the best candidate is the butterfly habitat with a few modifications such as replacing the air vents with a tube supplying oxygenated water. I have been interested in space since the age of two- one thing I remember very well is the solar eclipse in 1999. I wish to be an astronomer and cosmologist when I'm older. Your vote would be a privilege and would bring me one step closer to that goal!


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The coldest spring in more than 50 years, as the past fortnight of below average temperatures dragged the average thermometer reading during March, April and May putting it on course for its lowest level since 1962. Unseasonably-cold weather has caused severe problems for farmers, prompting a surge in the number of livestock deaths and damaging vast areas of crops. The average temperature over the period came in at 6.0C, which is 1.8C, or nearly 25 per cent, lower than is typical for the time of year, according to the Met Office. This makes it the fifth coldest spring since records began in 1910 and the chilliest for 51 years. A Met Office spokesman said: "The colder than average conditions have been caused by difference patterns at certain times, but generally this season has seen frequent easterly and northerly winds which have brought cold air to the UK from polar and northern European regions." Rainfall was lower than normal in March and April but May has been wetter than usual, the Met Office added. As a result, spring has been slightly drier than average, but not as dry as the springs of 2010 and 2011. The Met Office data runs up to the end of March 28, meaning that it does not take into account the final three days of spring.


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British television agricultural digest first broadcast August 4th, 2013, which included a topic in two parts on fracking proposals and extraction of natural shale gas in the UK by Cuadrilla. Includes brief business insight from Cuadrilla CEO, Francis Egan. EB: There is one phrase that stood out to me in this report, paraphrased "It is the wrong time to be investing in extraction of carbon rich fuel sources" - to which I heartily agree, investment needs directed at renewables, not conduits for increased CO2.


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DOHA - Let them eat jam tomorrow (Full text of the speech) Doha negotiations 12.09.11 Mr. President, There was a British author called Lewis Carrol who wrote a rather famous book "Alice in Wonderland" and this book had a sequel "Alice though the Looking Glass". In that book there is a passage where the Red Queen tells Alice "The rule is, jam yesterday and jam tomorrow but never jam to-day.' Alice said "But it must happen sometimes that there is "jam to-day",' To which the Queen said and here I paraphrase: "No, there is never jam to-day." Well that is rather like the EU and the successive Doha Rounds. We do never get the jam. There is a reason for this. The Parliament's own Library briefing states that the focus of the Doha Round was to be on Development. Now for most developing countries the critical aspect of the Doha Round is Agriculture. Around three quarters of the population of developing countries reside in rural areas and a majority depend on agriculture. The European Union's Common Agricultural Policy or CAP is equivalent to about 80 billion US dollar per year. This huge subsidy is a distorting factor in world food markets. It erodes the fair operation of the market in food, generates export dumping, and damages the ability of farmers in the developing world to earn a living. I must further point out that a disproportionate amount of the CAP goes on subsidising the growing of sugar beet. This crop grown in the developed world can never be fully competitive without subsidy with sugar cane. It is the continuance of the CAP in its present form which sabotages a proper result from the Doha Round. What then are the prospects for meaningful reform of the CAP? The answer is that there are too many politicians in the European Parliament who are opposed to a meaningful reform of the CAP - it is just not going to happen. No meaningful reform of the CAP means no meaningful outcome to the Doha rounds. Thank you.


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3rd Prize - Student Journalist Video Competition The UK's 40 years in the EU For our project, we aimed to discover how the UK being a part of the European Union has affected the Lincolnshire area. In particular, we focused on Boston, a town that relies heavily upon migrant workers in the agriculture industry. We explored a range of topics related to migrant workers, from the positives - such as their willingness to work and economic contributions to the negatives - such as the strain on services and the mistreatment of workers. In our research, it became clear that parallels were being drawn between the EU's enlargement in 2004, and freedom-of-movement restriction being lifted on Romanians and Bulgarians in 2014. We contacted and spoke to many people, including local farmers and councillors, as well as politicians in Brussels and independent experts. We also spoke to the local migrant community and a community centre. The interviews we used in the final product were just a few of the many we conducted, and were the ones we felt painted a fair and accurate picture, with various different viewpoints. We found that while people have different views on immigration, most agree that the UK was under-prepared in 2004, and must be better equipped for the potential influx of Romanian and Bulgarian migrants over the coming years. Whether or not this proves to be the case remains to be seen. December 2013


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0 repins 0 comments In this video from Veria Living we see What is Organic with Mohan Singh Negi. His transition from chemical to organic farming was tough, but the rewards were plentiful. When Mohan stopped using pesticides, his trees produced no fruit for two full years; in the third year, his orchard returned to its former glory.


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