3rd Prize - Student Journalist Video Competition The UK's 40 years in the EU For our project, we aimed to discover how the UK being a part of the European Union has affected the Lincolnshire area. In particular, we focused on Boston, a town that relies heavily upon migrant workers in the agriculture industry. We explored a range of topics related to migrant workers, from the positives - such as their willingness to work and economic contributions to the negatives - such as the strain on services and the mistreatment of workers. In our research, it became clear that parallels were being drawn between the EU's enlargement in 2004, and freedom-of-movement restriction being lifted on Romanians and Bulgarians in 2014. We contacted and spoke to many people, including local farmers and councillors, as well as politicians in Brussels and independent experts. We also spoke to the local migrant community and a community centre. The interviews we used in the final product were just a few of the many we conducted, and were the ones we felt painted a fair and accurate picture, with various different viewpoints. We found that while people have different views on immigration, most agree that the UK was under-prepared in 2004, and must be better equipped for the potential influx of Romanian and Bulgarian migrants over the coming years. Whether or not this proves to be the case remains to be seen. December 2013


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