Thanks for the views, comments, and support. Please like, comment, subscribe and share. Thanks! Garden playlist: Using raised beds and staggered plantings for vegetable gardens helps to shield the soil and plants form the sun, retain moisture by preventing evaporation, maximize useful planting space, prevent weeds, makes picking weeds and harvesting crops more ergonomic, and helps to keep roots cool in the heat of summer, if done right. There are a few tips and tricks that can be forgotten if out of practice, practice makes perfect they say. This video shows a few of those tips and tricks that were previously forgotten. Tags: raised beds staggered plantings "vegetable gardening" "weed prevention" "picking weeds" "moisture retention" "kill two birds with one stone" evaporation "garden maintenance" ergonomics "planting peas" "planting beans" "practice makes perfect" "peas need cool deep roots" "increase yields" "extend growing season" tips tricks how to DIY MiWilderness Michigan preparedness agriculture farming "Back to Eden" "soil test" potato bug flea beetle ladybug "beneficial garden insects" irrigation drip line


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