Watch our sit down talk with Ro! Check out Ro and Nerdy Nummies online! LEGO CANDY MOLD: To make our Lego mold, we created our own food-safe silicone mold with a product called CopyFlex. You can find out more about it here: To create the mold, we used legos and made a small little basin for the mixture. We made sure this was two blocks high. Then place whatever legos you want to mold inside making sure they are one space away on all edges. Mix your silicone mold materials and then slowly pour the silicone in. Pour from a high height so the silicone is very thin by the time it reaches the Lego basin. Slowly fill up the entire mold from one end to the next. After 4-5 hours, the entire mixture will have solidified and you can remove the Lego pieces and voila, you've got a mold you can make candy with! LEGO GUMMY CANDY: 1 package of flavored Jello 3 packages of unflavored gelatin 1/2 cup of water In a bowl, combine the jello, unflavored gelatin and stir. Pour in your 1/2 cup of water and stir until no clumps remain and let sit for a few minutes. In a pan, heat up water and place the bowl inside and stir the gelatin until it completely dissolves. It should create a layer of foam across the top. Place your mold on a baking pan or a moveable flat surface like a cuttin board. Using a syringe or turkey baster, extract your Jello dissolved mixture and into your mold. To avoid bubbles, suck the mixture out from the bottom of the bowls and make sure to slowly put the mixture into the mold so it doesn't bubble up more. To make your gummy candy stackable, simply place flat lego pieces across the mold where you've poured the jello mixture in. Place the molds into a freezer and after about 15 minutes, your candy will have hardened into a gummy shape and you should be able to pull them out of the mold with ease! If you don't want to make your own mold, you can buy awesome ones from Amazon! Check these out: Filmed at Tastemade Studios in Santa Monica. Check out more Tastemade content at: ================= Send us things! Feast of Fiction PO Box 862272 Los Angeles, CA 90086 Download the Soundtrack: Merch: Twitter: Facebook:


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