Mike wanted a protein heavy breakfast that could be a healthier alternative to a fry-up... which he claims he might chose as his final meal on earth! This is what we came up with, subtly spiced egg with smoky bacon cooked inside of an edible ramekin and finished with fresh avocado. Mike is in food heaven! Get the full recipe at http://sortedfood.com/tomatofrittata If you want to get involved and give us your recipe suggestions, head over to our Google+ community: http://plus.google.com/+sortedfood Make sure you're up to date on all the latest SORTED happenings: http://twitter.com/sortedfood http://facebook.com/sortedfood http://instagram.com/sortedfood http://pinterest.com/sortedfood http://sortedfood.tumblr.com


Amanda Smith

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