
Juice Beverage - Diet - Cranberry. Cranberry juice beverage from concentrate. Made with real fruit juice. 5 Calories per serving. Sweetened with Splenda. Hello! We're the family of Ocean Spray growers, farming our cranberry bogs for over 75 years. Our wonderberries have almost magical nutrients. (Native Americans believe in their healing powers, introducing them to the Pilgrims that first Thanksgiving!) And each of our juices has one-of-a-kind, delicious flavor from the goodness only nature provides. We've worked hard to turn our wonderberries into something mighty wonder-ful. Enjoy in good health! Our Diet Cranberry Juice Drink has just 5 little calories a serving and as growers, we made sure to use real fruit juice from cranberries for their one-of-a-kind, crisp taste and goodness. It helps strengthen your immune system with a daily dose of vitamin C. A good-for-you diet drink. What a refreshing idea! Pasteurized. Contains 7% fruit juice. function openGCBalance() {var url = 'http://www2. aspx UPC=3120020031'; open Window(url, 700, 450);} function open Window(address, width, height, resizable, scrollbars) {if(!scrollbars) { scrollbars = "yes"; } if(!resizable) { resizable = "no"; } var new Window = window. open(address, 'Popup Window', 'width=' + width + ',height=' + height + ',toolbar=no, location=no, directories=no, status=no, menubar=no, scrollbars=' + scrollbars + ',resizable=' + resizable); new Window. focus();}


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