
A low growing evergreen shrub found in North America, Europe and Asia, uva ursi is also commonly known as bearberry because its vibrant red and pink fruit is a favorite food for bears. The leaves of the uva ursi shrub have been part of traditional folk use dating as far back as the 2nd century. Different cultures worldwide have made use of this beneficial herb which has been traditionally used to support urinary tract health. Alvita Uva Ursi possesses a rich honey color and distinct earthy flavor. For more than 75 years, long before it became fashionable, Alvita was championing the profound beneficial properties of herbal teas. Alvita searches the far reaches of the globe for the finest herbs, the best growers, the most precious sources. Small wonder that so many consumers trust the Alvita name. Today, it stands for a broad array of different teas, including classic single herb varieties and the unique Alvita blends. The package you hold in your hand combines ancient herbal wisdom with modern science and brings to you all the richness and benefits of herbal teas. This philosophy is the very reason why you will find sensible, English pillow style tea bags that are oxygen bleached, not chlorine treated. And why you won't find any strings, tags or staples. Alvita thanks you for choosing the product but, more importantly, thank you for the trust you've put in the herbal values that we all share.


Grace Wilson

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